Are You Ready to MAXIMize Your Health?
This book promises to deliver on the tools we’ve used to help over 2000 women get the success they deserved, and couldn’t get, before working with these principles.
Inside you will learn SIMPLE yet consistently effective & powerful strategies to heal your gut healing, balance your hormones and stabilize your thyroid.
In the end, you will create abundant energy, stable mood, a solid & restful sleep every night, and re-establish that connection to your body like never before!
or you can

Dedicated To
This book is dedicated to any woman who believes that she was built for MORE than they life she has now.
To the woman who’s had enough of cookie-cuttering her health and is ready for CHANGE.
To the woman who is fully taking responsibility over her health, over her decisions, over her boundaries and is 100% ALL IN committed to make the changes necessary to become the version of herself she has always wanted to become.
It is for the woman who recognizes that health comes from within. The woman who is ready to become mentally, spiritually, emotionally AND physically strong.
This book is dedicated to YOU
What's Inside?
Inside this book includes our entire phase by phase approach (what we now call the GAT Protocol for Women) of:
- Mastering the 4 Tiers of Health (MAXIMentals)
- MAXIMizing Your Digestion
- MAXIMizing Your Hormones
- MAXIMizing Your Diet & Weight Loss (Maintenance)
Each phase includes the protocols we use, the herbs, diet changes and supplements we recommend as well as loads of graphics, food charts and case studies!

Maybe you are ready to work on your gut, hormones and metabolism right now??
Then please look into our complete GAT PROTOCOL and be sure to book in a FREE health assessment call below. One of our team members will give you the clarity you need to know where the gaps are and how to fix them!