MAXIMized Health Hypnosis
Did You Know that Almost all of your Behaviours are Actually Controlled by your UNconscious Mind? Control Your Behaviour, Control Your Results
You know what I’m talking about right?
- The behaviour (HABIT) you have of drinking wine late at night before going to bed…
- The behaviour/habit of watching TV for hours after work instead of going for a walk…
- The behaviour/habit of working late, going to bed late, then sleeping horribly…
- Even chronic anxiety, fear and anger can be easily treated with hypnosis strategies…
Knowing now that those behaviours are not something that you can control CONSCIOUSLY…then all that’s left it to literally re-wire the way your current mind is thinking through unconscious strategies… like MAXIMized Health Hypnosis.
Now stay with me here….
“Hypnosis” probably brought up drinking + bar + hypnosis = quacking like a duck in front of strangers
Mind control
a state of unconsciousness or lack of awareness
… none of that is true. Hypnosis is incredibly effective… in fact I have 100% success in clearing the destructive/unwanted habits with all of my clients. Hypnosis is effective and it is NOT MAGIC nor is it MIND CONTROL.
What you’re really looking for are better, healthier, faster RESULTS.
Results in life (weight loss, motivation, confidence, overcoming fears, overcoming anxiety) are based upon ONE thing — Our Behaviour.
Now, if just going to see a hypnotist was all you needed to change your behaviour, then people wouldn’t still have problems with results.
What we work on is changing the amount of POTENTIAL you can tap into… that amount of potential is based on your BELIEFS and those beliefs are reinforced by our results.
Can you change your results without first changing your behaviours? Nope!
And that’s the beauty of MAXIMized Health Hypnosis! It can assist in changing your beliefs or rewiring your internal triggers –> which change your results –> which change your behaviours!!
MAXIMized Health Hypnosis can easily and effortlessly change the following behaviours (incomplete list):
- Protective Weight Gain
- Emotional Eating
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Body Acceptance
- Release Anxiety
- Release Anger
- Insomnia
- Release Emotional Baggage
- Inner Child Work
- Health Anxiety
- Establishing Personal Power
- … and MORE!
I’ve Done Hypnosis Before And It Didn’t Work…
At this moment we have had 100% success rate with our hypnotherapy clients.
Here’s a few reasons why our current clients said the same thing and then worked with us and got results. One, it was done in the coaches office. Why this may not work is because the space is new and it’s hard to fully relax in a new space. We do every session virtually in the comfort of your home (chair/coach/bed). So long as we can see you on camera throughout the session, you will find staying in a “safe place” allows your mind to go deeper and the process to work easier.
Two, the coach wasn’t trained in NLP as well. The extra levels of trainings and designations, like what Andrea Maxim, CHt has, lends to a better appreciation of how the neurology works, how to properly use tonality, pitch and the RIGHT language that the unconscious mind understand.
Just know that you’re in the RIGHT PLACE with the RIGHT PRACTITIONER
All Access Pass to Classes
Already over 40 hours of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum classes taught by Dr. Aviva, to meet your mama needs by trimester, including your 4th trimester! Plus a growing library of new content and special events.
Weekly Support Circles
60-minute weekly prenatal + postpartum support circles, with lots of time for personal Q&A. All hosted by a team of amazing birth workers, including MDs, CNMS, CPMs, IBCLCs, and other experts who have studied with Dr. Aviva.
Monthly Q+As with Aviva
Every month Dr. Aviva personally hosts one of the 60-minute Support Circles, providing inspiration and answers to your pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and new mama/new baby questions.
Guides and “Cheat Sheets”
From The ACOG Guide to Informed Refusal (or as Aviva says it, “No means no in childbirth, too) to prenatal and new mama meal plans, to how to choose your best place and provider for birth, you’ll have access to a broad library of downloadables.
Special Bonuses!
From yoga classes to newborn care, members get free or specially discounted access to bonus online events like prenatal and new mom yoga classes, guided meditations, talks with special guests, and more. You’ll also receive discounts on Aviva’s favorite supplements and baby + mama products.
Dr. Aviva’s Experience
With 35 years of combined experience as a home birth midwife and Yale-trained MD with a specialty in women’s health and obstetrics – and as a mom and grandmom – Dr. Aviva’s books, teachings, courses, natural protocols, and accessible, balanced approach are loved worldwide. You’ll find out exactly why.
MAXIMized Health hypnosis library
While 1:1 sessions will always give you faster, more personalized success, we do have a number of our most popular hypnosis recordings available for download to listen to on your own time. or when falling asleep.
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily while in bed and fall asleep to the track.
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily
PURCHASE BELOW and listen daily
From morning sickness to heartburn, varicose veins to constipation and hemorrhoids, help is here. Choose from a variety of natural and also conventional options that ease common pregnancy symptoms – safely.
Aviva Romm
Whether you’re finding sleep a challenge, are coming to grips with becoming a mom, are stressed out and worrying about it affecting baby – come find sleep and stress solutions that can make a real difference.
Aviva Romm
From too many cesareans to endemic sexism and racism in medical care, we have to know how to be our own best advocates, and ditto that for our partners and doulas. This class is a must for all birthing people who want to stay empowered (and safe ) in any setting.
Aviva Room
We all have, within us, a connection to a deep powerful well of strength and inner knowing that’s been hushed by our culture. Reclaim your inner power, tap into your innate birthing wisdom, and learn what it means to birth primally.
Aviva Romm
If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression, you’re not alone. Come learn what you can do – from natural approaches to medical options – so you can choose what’s safest and really works for you.
Aviva Romm
Learn how to safely and effectively use the classic herbs for easing labor and birth – starting in your last trimester – and which herbs to avoid even if they’re popular.
Aviva Room
1 hr/FREE
While few of us want to have a cesarean, sometime they are necessary. But statistically, they’re done 2-3 times more often than required. Learn how to avoid an unnecessary c-section, but have a gentle one if needed.
Aviva Romm
Mantras, visualizations, meditations, and mindset can powerfully influence our birth experience. Drop into this class for a whole set of tools you can use including a tried and true birth visualization and drawing practice that can transform your experience.
Aviva Romm
Group B Strep. No doubt you’ve heard about it and have questions. If you want to understand GBS, go from confusion to confidence, know your options and what the evidence says – and still protect your’s and baby’s microbiome, this is for you.
Aviva Room
What do you dream of for your birth? What does it take for your birth plan to be respected? Learn how to create a birth plan that really works and how you and your birthing team (partner, doula, etc) can make sure it’s taken seriously and followed.
Aviva Romm
Ritual. Ceremony. Celebration. They”ve always been a part of the matrescence journey – becoming a mother. Learn how to create your own – or create one for someone you love.
Aviva Romm
Knowing how to use your body to work with – not against – labor and birth can make a huge difference in pain, length of labor, and need for medical interventions. Learn how with Dr. A’s 37 years of experience.
Aviva Room
We’ve all seen the movies: PUUUUUSH! But there is another way – breathing baby down. It’s gentle, wonderful, and can prevent tearing, too.
Aviva Romm
1hr $47/mo
As much as we’d love to have the births of our dreams, labor also requires us to surrender. Learn about the most common labor challenges & how to navigate them with power and grace.
Aviva Romm
What happens in the first week postpartum – emotionally, physically, hormonally? And how do you make sure everything is ‘normal?” Learn all about the first week postpartum and how to optimize this time and heal with the best guidance and tips.
Aviva Room
Compresses. Sitz baths. Spray bottles. Learn what works from the midwife-herbalist who reintroduced postpartum healing herbal perineal care in modern times.
Aviva Romm
Becoming a new mom – you have all the feelings. And body shifts. Hormones, emotions, laying in, who should visit, nourishing foods and herbs, herbal baths, self-care with a newborn: how to balance life and baby. Learn how to create sacred space, rest, heal, and enjoy this special time.
Aviva Romm
Natural doesn’t always mean easy. Treat sore nipples, low milk production, engorgement, pumping and storing, too much milk, tongue tie, blocked ducts and more to make your experience easier.
Aviva Room
Bundle our TOP FOUR tracks
If there is even ONE area of your life that has the room to be better, consider Hypnosis
The fact of the matter is, be it relationships, personal health and vitality, weight loss, career, even money abundance, if there’s a problem, there’s an unconscious blocker and MAXIMized Health Hypnosis may just be the answer!
Our Naturopathic Team Provides all of the PHYSICAL and ALL-NATURAL Support You Need
MAXIMized Health Mindset & Motivation Coaching Releases the Negative Emotions and Movies You’ve been Playing in Your Head
Changes the Belief > Which changes the Results > Which Changes the Behaviour and Seals Your Future and Makes Your Success Inevitable!
Reasons to Join
Over 40 hours of guidance from Aviva Romm, Midwife and MD, to use at your own pace.
Birth Literacy. Know what you want and don’t, what you need, and how to get it.
Support: The resources & tools for optimal prenatal, birthing, and postpartum health.
Tools for changing your mindset so you can learn new ways to think about pregnancy and birth, without fear.
Tips & tools to help you enjoy your mama path, address common symptoms, and feel confident in your body.
A ton of community support in our inner circle groups and the private Facebook page, with the support of experiened birth workers
It’s time to reclaim pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. It’s time to reclaim our bodies and power. Join the waitlist today and let’s do this, together.
40+ hours of course videos, 12 months of weekly support circles, and over 9,000 mama members later, this course and community have been making a profound difference in the lives of the women, babies, and families.
I’m so excited to share it with you, and to support you on your pregnancy, birth, and mama journey, too.
The HYPNOSIS, MINI and FULL BREAKTHROUGH SESSIONS and Access inside our 4-month, fully integrative DIVINE CONFIDENCE ACCELERATOR PROGRAM are available now!
Limited Spots
Meet Andrea
My journey as a naturopathic doctor for the past decade started with helping you with the physical symptoms…. because that’s how we were trained. Trained as if healing the physical was all that needed to be done to get to full health.
My journey changed over the past two years. I really leaned into doing more mindset work. The hard work. The work that allowed me to let go of blockers between myself and my daughters, between my husband and I, and of course acceptance of my body and who I am as a woman.
Regardless of where you are with your health, you need BOTH physical support (which our naturopathic team delivers via the GAT Protocol) AND you need mindset shifts… we all do!
And now our team offers the full package: Naturopathic Care + Hypnosis/Performance Coaching for a complete targeted healing experience.
Maybe you just want to work on your gut, hormones and metabolism right now??
Then please look into our complete GAT PROTOCOL and book in with one of our Naturopathic Team Members
(Caledonia, Oakville, Milton or Virtually Across Ontario)