Navigating the Writing Path

Navigating The Writing Path: Start to Finish – IC Publishing Summer Blog Tour
Written by Andrea Maxim, ND and Author

For me, this entire writing process has been nothing but great timing and following the signs that I am on the right path.  I had always wanted to write a book but did not have the right guidance or the kick in the pants I needed to make it a reality!

Meeting people like Marybeth Haines, Author of Power of Pets, Speaker and Consultant ( made her dream a reality and has since mentored me and inspired me to follow mine.  Thank you Marybeth for everything and for inviting me to participate in this exciting literary journey – the IC Publishing Summer Blog Tour.

If you are someone wanting to write a book, to leave your legacy for a lifetime, then please read on!


How Do You Start the Writing Path

Start with a good blueprint.  Just like building a house, you need to map out a good plan before you begin to build.  For some, this may take longer than the writing process itself, but what a difference it makes when you do start writing.  I used an excel spreadsheet to help lay out each chapter with bullet points of what I wanted included in each chapter.  From there the rest was easy!

What I will warn you is not to get caught up in your head.  Thank goodness we have word processors so rearranging paragraphs (and even chapters) is easy! Just get your thoughts down on paper or on your computer and move on.  Do not get caught up in making the first draft perfect.  Let it flow then go back when it’s all done.

How Do You Continue to  Navigate the Writing Path

To stay motivated you need to find a way to hold yourself accountable.  As soon as I signed with my publisher I blasted it to the world that “I’m Going to Write a Book and Be an Author by (this date).” I let as many people know as I could and continued to do so.

I also had each step of the writing process mapped out on my calendar so I knew when I needed the first draft completed, the second and the final draft.  Every evening I wrote a little bit, most of my weekends I was writing and just pumped it out as quickly as my fingers would let me type.  On the days (or weeks) I was not feeling inspired, I did not write.  When I had a party or engagement to go to, I went.

The writing process, while demanding, should not be all consuming.  Like anything in life, if you start hating what you’re doing, you will reject it.  Make a blueprint, make an attainable plan and stick to it.

This is your dream. Only you can make it happen!

Completing the Writing Path

As each chapter was completed, I actually felt more driven to keep writing.  Interviewing people that could contribute to the information in the book was also very inspiring and gave me new insight on certain topics.  Along with the text, I found the creative part of the writing process to be helpful at visualizing the final project.  Teaming up with a good graphic designer to help convey your written concepts, #1 means you need to write less and #2 makes the book a lot easier to navigate through.

As it comes to fruition, the editing process must start. This was very time consuming but I also found that as each chapter was finalized, I was more and more proud of the work that I was doing.  Passing it along to others to read and critique was also helpful as the readers will not interpret your writing the same as you will.

Now that the first book is done I am itching to keep going!  It makes looking at the world so much better – every experience is a possible inspiration for a new paragraph or chapter in your next book!

Closing Thoughts

Once the book is completed and in your hands, it is a very surreal feeling. I am still in shock and awe that my book, MAXIMized Health, is real and tangible.

If you are even thinking of writing a book – JUST DO IT!  Put it out there to the world that you are going to write a book and connect with people who have done it. Go to book writing seminars. Listen to podcasts. Don’t just get inspired, get moving!

Writing a book opens up a whole new world of creativity and personal opportunities.  The people I have met, the places I have been, the business opportunities I have been introduced to NEVER would have happened without the book.

Get started right now! Don’t stop! Don’t let excuses get in the way! Just let those fingers do the work for you and in no time, you too will be a published author!

Passing the Pen

Just as I was invited to share my thoughts, I would like to introduce you to the man who kick started the writing process for me. My great friend Igor Klibanov who will be sharing his writing experience, challenges, and tips on navigating the writing path from start to finish. Check out his links, and watch for his blog post on Wednesday, July 23rd.

Igor is a personal trainer and was selected as one of the top 5 personal trainers in Toronto by the Metro News newspaper on June 3, 2010. He is the founder and owner of Fitness Solutions Plus, a personal training and fitness/health education company. Igor is the author of two fitness-related books, Unlimited Progress and Stop Exercising The Way You Are Doing it Now.


Written by Andrea Maxim, ND

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