
Superfood Quinoa Bowl


1 cup dry mixed colored quinoa I like the TruRoots brand (prepare per instructions on package)

2 cups chopped broccoli (frozen is ok to use)

½ chopped red onion

½ chopped red bell pepper

3-4 cup baby kale (remove any large stems)


6 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp onion powder

½ tbsp mustard (regular or Dijon)

½ a lime squeezed

Salt/pepper to taste


Prepare your quinoa according to directions on your package (mine was 1 cup dry to 2 cups water, brought to a boil and covered and left to simmer for 18 minutes)

While quinoa is cooking add your chopped broccoli, onion, pepper to a skillet pan (sprayed with non-stick spray first) and let cook on medium to high heat for about 12 minutes stirring frequently, then add your kale to the sauté pan with veggies for 1-2 minutes stirring until kale is wilted down?

Prepare dressing by adding olive oil, onion powder, mustard, lime juice, salt and pepper to a bowl and whisking it together, set aside

Once quinoa and veggies are cooked, serve separated like picture above or toss everything in a large mixing bowl and stir in the dressing!

(Credit: http://www.tworaspberries.com/superfood-quinoa-bowl/)


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