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Sachem News: Natural Approaches to Heart Health

By Gena Kelly On February 21, the Haldimand Abilities Centre in Hagersville hosted a Heart Health seminar led by Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor of Healing Journey Naturopathic Clinic in Caledonia. February is National Heart Awareness month. Dr. Maxim spelled out risk factors associated with heart disease and offered tips to a healthier lifestyle.

Sachem News: Stress Management

Whether it’s something as relatively small as a traffic jam or as big as the death of a loved one, stress is part of life. “We’re never going to be without stress in our lives,” said naturopathic doctor Andrea Maxim at a recent seminar presented by the Haldimand Abilities Centre (HAC). “Stress is the body’s perception of a threat- mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually.”

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