
Naturopathic Doctor Team Leader

 Dr. Jacqueline Moulton, ND and IV Nutrient Tech

Dr. Jacquie is the head naturopathic doctor of the team. She works at the Caledonia office offering our state of the art IV Nutrient Infusions, B12 Injections, Bio-Identical Hormones and Vitamin D3 Injections as well as our Live Blood Integrative Days and routine naturopathic care

AND she’s the main virtual care ND for patients across Ontario.

She quickly received the title of the “Foodie” on the team with making many meals from scratch with healthy alternatives.

When she’s not working in the clinic Dr. Jacquie and her hubby can be found off hiking or camping enjoying the outdoors.

Specialty Services include the GAT protocol for gut, adrenal & thyroid health. Along with Acupuncture & Cupping treatments


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