Day 3: Intense 7 Day Detox
Written by Dr. Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor
First day back to work! I knew if I could make it through the weekend, which would be the hardest time as I’m not nearly as busy, then the rest of the week should be a breeze.
Preparing the meals was easier today. I did a huge grocery shop yesterday and laughed at myself at the check out line as my entire basket was green compared to other peoples boxed foods, potato chips and sugary beverages. I can only imagine what these people were thinking… what kind of diet is she on?? Crazy old crazy girl! I must admit, there was a part of me that was quite proud as all my food was locally grown and organic – take that American diet!
I made it through the work day unscathed. My appetite was higher this afternoon and had to take breaks between patients to mix up another shake or two. I managed to make it through the 11-hour day with 3 shakes, 2 cups of steamed vegetables and a small portion of pickles. No headaches, no cold or flu symptoms, no irritability so far! Seasonal detoxification does have it’s benefits!
I came home tonight more tired than usual. Thoughts of the dinner that I couldn’t have ran through my head and with some haste I opened my ready-made salad and began to munch. Oh the good old days when food was plenty and poor food choices was an option…
I can feel my stomach has shrunk a little but with only minor cramping. I am certainly ready for bed already and it is only 9pm. Come on green stuff and moderately gross detox shake! Do your worst. I’m almost half way there and honestly if it was not for my patients being an inspiration to me at this time I would not have the strength to keep going. Five more moons and this will be all over and I will be a brand new me!
Follow along with Day Four here! Want to see how it all began, click here for Day 1.
Do you want to start a detox program and Hit the Reset Button on your health? Contact Dr. Maxim NOW and she will get you started on a great program that fits your lifestyle!
Andrea Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT (Caledonia Clinic)
Twitter: @AndreaMaximND
YouTube: NaturopathicHealing
P: (888) 375 3111