
7 Day Detox Support

The RULES are simple:

  • All green vegetables – prepared anyway you’d like
  • Herbs, spices, oils all fine
  • Coconut milk is the only allowed alternative to cow dairy – canned or carton
  • Lean meats: chicken, turkey, fish
  • PLUS 2-3 shakes per day: 2 scoops per shake in as much water as you’d like. Start slow if it’s too much at first. The shakes taste the best with ICE COLD water.  This shake may only last 5-6 days. Once you’re done the tub, you’re done. That’s 100% fine.
There’s a sample meal plan in your Welcome Email. If you don’t have it, contact us: info@themaximmovement
Day 1
Day 1 is simply a mental game. All day you are going to be craving all kinds of foods, some that you would not eat normally, but you need to power through.
Do not stop eating and drinking today. Constantly be putting greens into your mouth so that you are not tempted to put other food in there.
Get out of the house and do something to take your mind off of the detox. Start a personal project. Clean up that office that you’ve been dying to organize. Go for a walk with friends and grab an herbal tea somewhere.
Do not let your mind get the better of you today.

Day 2

Day 2 is often when the detox symptoms start. Due to the drastic change in your diet you may feel more fatigued, low mood, you may be feeling the onset of a chronic dull headache and you may be a little irritable. 
These symptoms are ALL OK and completely normal!
Continue to load up on your shakes, herbal teas, water with lemon and your greens. I assure you that this will get easier!
GI Troubles

Day 3-4

DAY 3 is really the last uncomfortable day you will experience.  Your detox symptoms may still be lingering. They may be getting a little worse or a little better.
Again, these symptoms are ALL OK and completely normal!
In my experience with my patients, Day 4 is usually when the clouds part, the sun shines through and the crapiness you’ve been feeling becomes a distant memory.
I will be honest, for a select few, Day 4 was the hardest day of their detox. Not physically, but emotionally.  You may really notice that your fuse is shorter. You may have very low mood and generally just do not feel yourself.
This is OK TOO! Your body is stirring up a lot of dust, maybe years worth of dust in your case, and it is making a bit of a mess. 
I assure you, once the dust settles you will be so proud of yourself for continuing with this program! 

You are now more than half way through and you are KILLING IT!!

Congratulations on sticking to this program as long as you have.

This may be the first time you’ve put yourself first for this long and been successful at it. You should really be so PROUD of yourself for making it this far! The best part is, you’ve just survived the worst of it! It’s all smooth sailing from here!

By now, the diet should be getting a little easier. The greens are probably getting boring, but at least the repetition is making planning less of a chore. I imagine the taste of the shakes are becoming less ideal but they are the MOST important aspect of this entire program.

Day 5-6

Day 5 & 6  and by now you should really be feeling the positive benefits from all the hard work you’ve been doing.
You may be DONE your powder by this point and that is 100% fine! The tubs typically last 5-6 days @ 6 scoops per day
You should be noticing the following:
  • Sleep is easier, deeper and more restful
  • Your energy levels are starting to rise
  • Mood is lifting and you’re starting to feel more like yourself again
  • Bloating feeling is going away and clothing is fitting more comfortably
  • Headaches are all gone
If you have noticed some constipation, you’re not the only one. There are no laxatives in this program as it is not designed to have you running to the toilet every 60min. This is a medically-designed detox program and I do not need you to be squeezing every last drop out of bowels to get results.
If you need to, add magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide to your supplement protocol before bed. I suggest 200-800mg, increasing the dose depending on bowel tolerance, to get your bowels moving.

Day 7

What a morning it is!!  This may be your last full day on the powders or maybe you’re already finished, or close to it, and you can move onto the Re-Introduction Phase [SEE BELOW]
Now that you’re done or almost done, I do not want you to give up the amount of green veggies you’ve been consuming all week.  
The reason you are feeling so great right now is because you have flooded your body with all of the nutrients you need and have eliminated any possible food sensitivities that were weighing you down (literally).
Now you are ready to start your re-introduction of foods.  
You may be close to being done with the powder at this time. So let’s go over the Re-Introduction Phase.
Once your powder is DONE, you’re essentially done the detox and can start bringing food back in, ONE food group at a time.
Day 1 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN wheat challenges (toast, cereal, crackers, pasta) but do not MIX with anything else
Day 2 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN dairy, but do not continue to eat wheat today.
Day 3 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN eggs, but do not continue to eat wheat/dairy today.
Day 4 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN nuts, but do not continue to eat wheat/dairy/eggs today
See how your body responds to each new food group each day. If there’s any negative reaction to a food, keep it OUT of the diet. A negative reaction could include weight gain, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, headaches, or any other return to the symptoms you were experiencing before the detox.



So let’s go over the Re-Introduction Phase.

Here’s what you need to be successful:

  1. Food Journal
  2. Calendar
  3.  Follow up visit with our team within the next 5-10 days


Once your powder is DONE, you’re essentially done the detox and can start bringing food back in, ONE food group at a time (in no particular order). While you’re re-introducing one food group at a time, you can still continue to eat EVERYTHING you ate during the detox.
Some patients really like to stay on the powder, even 1 shake per day. Contact us to put another tub aside for you!

Get your food journal out and mark on the calendar which food you’re going to introduce.
This could be a SINGLE food (yogurt vs cheese vs milk) OR a food group (wheat, dairy, eggs, nuts). It all depends on how specific and sensitive you think your body is at this point.

Here’s an example:
Day 1 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN wheat challenges (toast, cereal, crackers, pasta) but do not MIX with anything else
Day 2 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN dairy, but do not continue to eat wheat today.
Day 3 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN eggs, but do not continue to eat wheat/dairy today.
Day 4 – Eat all of the green veggies + lean meats + ADD IN nuts, but do not continue to eat wheat/dairy/eggs today See how your body responds to each new food group each day.

In your food journal: Document all of the noticeable reactions you have over the next 48-72 hours

Possible reaction symptoms include:

  • Mood change (low energy or irritability)
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Burping or flatulence
  • Headaches
  • Bowel irregularities
  • Weight gain (up to 3lbs overnight)
  • Bloating or swelling of the face or joints

If there are any negative reaction to a food, keep it OUT of the diet for now. 


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