Again, Exercise Improves Diabetes Outcome
Written by Dr. Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor
This is not new information but one that needs to be drilled home – You Must Exercise, regardless of health condition. Exercise is one of the most critical prescriptions to my diabetic patients and to anyone who is suffering from diabetes. Exercise improves your chances of survival with diabetes compared to sedentary patients.
One study found an inverse relationship with the amount of time exercising and risk of diabetes. The study showed that men who weight trained at least 150min per week reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 34%. Those who did aerobic training had a 52% lower risk. Those who did both had the greatest reduction in risk overall.
We already know that exercise decreases blood sugar irregularities and that exercise has a positive effect on cardiovascular disease. If nothing less, get outside and go for a walk. In fact, walking 2 hours per week significantly reduces heart disease risk – that’s only 17min per day!
The more we train, the more blood sugar we use to fuel our muscles the less sugar in the blood stream to cause issues. Exercise is a MUST for any diabetic. The only caution is the more one exercises, the less blood sugar medication one may need. Communicate with your medical doctor about managing your prescriptions when adapting a healthy lifestyle.
If you are interested in discussing more about fertility how you can be the healthiest YOU you can be, Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Maxim to start MAXIMizing on your Hormones and MAXIMizing on your Health!
References: Sluik D, et al “Physical activity and mortality in individuals with diabetes mellitus” Arch Intern Med 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3130. Grontved A, et al “A prospective study of weight training and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in men” Arch Intern Med2012; DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3138. Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT (Caledonia Clinic) (Burlington Clinic)
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