Food Sensitivities in the News
Written by Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor
The Globe and Mail released an article ( stating that food sensitivity tests, much like the ones we do at my Naturopathic Clinics, are a “waste of money”. The medical doctor, Dr. Elana Lavine, specializes in true food allergies – peanut, dust, animal dander, etc. and tests using skin prick or blood tests specific for the hypersensitive, anaphylactic IgE-mediated food allergies. Understandably, when medical doctors are not educated on a test, they can immediately discount their results and claim them to be a poor representation of a diagonsis and that our interpretation of the results is false. I would like to assure you that we know that the skin prick IgG testing we do at my Naturopathic Clinics is not testing for “true food allergies” but food sensitivities correlated to chronic inflammation and digestive disturbances. We do not use these tests as a definitive diagonsis for disease, but as a tool to help our patients become more aware of the foods they consume and how they can affect their digestive health. There are tons of studies in highly reknowned medical journals prooving a relation of mental-emotional diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, skin disorders and hormonal issues to food proteins like gluten, dairy, soy and corn. Many patients have already seen a dramatic difference in their mood and appearance simply by removing dairy or gluten for a few weeks – including myself.
As a practitioner, I always want my patients to be informed. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this article, please do not hesitate to contact me (Talk to Dr. Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor Now!!). I will be more than happy to chat with you and educate you on the difference between IgE-mediated food allergies versus IgG-mediated food sensitivities. Knowledge is power!
For more information, directly from our medical facility – Rocky Mountain Analytical, please read the following documents: Food Sensitivites Q&A ( and Facts on Food Sensitivities (–RMA_2.pdf.)
Andrea Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT (Caledonia Clinic)
Twitter: @AndreaMaximND
YouTube: NaturopathicHealing
P: (888) 375 3111