7 Day Detox: Day 4

Day 4: Intense 7 Day Detox

Written by Dr. Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor

Today was my easiest day.  I didn’t feel too hungry. Wasn’t tired. The shakes actually tasted better today for some reason, which I found odd.  Everything just kind of ran very smoothly.

One of my personal goals is to remain as cool and calm as possible.  I am trying to not let stress affect me, trying not to obsess over things that have happened in the past and trying not to read too much into conversations or written words when I don’t need to.  I have found over the past few weeks that I am better able to allow negativity roll off my back and have become more self-assured and self aware.  Doing this cleanse I know will help speed up this process as the liver commonly takes the brunt of much of the negativity we are exposed to.  Even with my busiest days at the clinic I have found that I do not get as rattled as I used to.  If something changes quickly in my schedule, it does not throw me off.  It has been a very wonderful experience really.


Then the evening comes.  I had a meeting with one of my networking groups in a beautiful caffe in Ancaster.  Inside the glass display case were mousse cakes, croissants, scones and other wonderufly delicious but oh so forbidden foods.  This only reminded me of what I cannot eat.  God I hate eating only vegetables, haha.

I came home that night the most irritable I have been all week.  As soon as my car pulled into the drive way I was ready to pick a fight with anyone in the house.  My choice, was the garbage cleaned in the kitchen?? Clean it!  The next hour I just festered while eating my salad, having my last detox shake for the day and promptly off to bed to sleep it off.

Hopefully Day Five will be a better day. Follow along with Day Five here! Want to see how it all began, click here!

Do you want to start a detox program and Hit the Reset Button on your health? Contact Dr. Maxim NOW and she will get you started on a great program that fits your lifestyle!

Andrea Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT

MAXIMize your Weight Loss JPGwww.facebook.com/andrea.maximnd  
www.healingjourneynaturopathic.com  (Caledonia Clinic) 
Twitter: @AndreaMaximND 
YouTube: NaturopathicHealing
P: (888) 375 3111

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