Black Cohosh Helps Women on Tamoxifen

Black Cohosh Helps Women with Tamoxifen-treated Breast Cancer with Menopausal Complaints

Written by Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor

Conventional medicine uses antihormone and antiestrogen therapies like tamoxifen to treat breast cancer patients.  These patients often develop or have aggravated symptoms of menopause.  Black cohosh has been shown to be on of the most studied and successful herbs at balancing hormones and treating symptoms of menopause but not as much on breast cancer patients.


A recent prosepective study followed 50 breast cancer patients undergoing tamoxifen treatment with the addition of black cohosh to their treatment protocol for 6 months.  There was a significant decrease in symptoms of sweating, hot flashes, sleep problems and anxiety.  Of the women studied, 90% found the treatment to be well or very well tolerated.  Therefore black cohosh appears to be a reasonable herb for women to take if on tamoxifen therapy to reduce side effects.

Dosage: 1-4 tablets at 2.5mg/ tablet per day

If you are interested in discussing more about fertility how you can be the healthiest YOU you can be, Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Maxim to start MAXIMizing on your Hormones and MAXIMizing on your Health!


Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) in tamoxifen-treated breast cancer patients with climacteric complaints – a prospective observational study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2011 Oct;27(10):844-8. Epub 2011 Jan 13.


Andrea Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT

MAXIMize your Weight Loss (Caledonia Clinic) (Burlington Clinic) 
Twitter: @AndreaMaximND 
YouTube: NaturopathicHealing 
P: (888) 375 3111

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