
Larger Midsection Associated with Sudden Cardiac Death

Study: Larger Midsections May Increase Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death 

Written by Dr. Andrea Maxim, ND   

A study found that those with a larger waist-to-hip ratio are more likely to die from sudden cardiac death.  Those women studied with a waist-to-hip ratio in the upper quintile were 40% more likely to die from a cardiac event compared to those with the waist-to-hip ratio in the lowest quintile.

Waist-to-hip ratio is not the strongest measure of poor health alone.  Three of any of the following markers together; Age, sex, race, education level, smoking status, family history of coronary heart disease are also significantly associated with sudden cardiac death.


In office, Dr. Maxim performs body composition readings (fat % versus muscle mass %), weight, height, waist measurments and important lab testing (hs-CRP, ESR, total cholesterol and fasting glucose) are included in the initial screening.

If you are interested in discussing how you can be the healthiest YOU you can be, Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Maxim TODAY in order to start MAXIMizing your Fitness Goals to MAXIMize your Health!

Andrea Maxim, ND – Creator of the MAXIM MOVEMENT

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YouTube: NaturopathicHealing
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Adabag S, et al “Risk of sudden cardiac death in obese individuals: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study” HRS 2012; Abstract PO1-67.

Medpage Today Link

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