Blog Articles

Recipes, Health Insights, Clinic News

Larger Breakfast Induces Weight Loss

Starting the day with the highest calorie meal including a dessert at breakfast and eating less throughout the day showed a positive effects on weight loss results. Patients who consumed a front-loaded diet: Large breakfast (600cal), 500cal lunch and 300cal dinner lost an average of 45lbs over 8 months.

Flavoured Water Enhances Disease

Propylene glycol: Chemical found in personal care products and foods that keeps products from melting in heat or freezing in fridgid temperatures. It has been linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive issues, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption and organ toxicity.

Knowing Your Limitations

The first part of my ride started like any other. Small hills here and there but mostly flat road. We went for a nice 50km flat ride yesterday unscathed so today we decided to challenge ourselves with an 80km ride. Now this 80km ride includes a 500m climb that takes about 8km to complete then it’s all flat and downhill from there.

Food Sensitivities in the News

The Globe and Mail released an article ( stating that food sensitivity tests, much like the ones we do at my Naturopathic Clinics, are a “waste of money”.

Coke Campaign: Come Together

While I certainly respect Coca Cola for acknowledging the weight crisis we have in North America, I find the commercial more of a new marketing tactic than a true desire to make changes to people’s diet. In the commercial Coke claims that of their 650 products, 180 are now low-calorie or calorie free.

Childhood Depression Can Be Treated Naturally

Dr. Jonathan Prousky, ND and Chief Naturopathic Medical Officer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto said it best: “When you medicate a child, you teach the child that he/she cannot be normal without a medication. It disempowers the child from thinking that he/she can cope and emotionally regulate.”

Sachem News: Natural Approaches to Heart Health

By Gena Kelly On February 21, the Haldimand Abilities Centre in Hagersville hosted a Heart Health seminar led by Andrea Maxim, naturopathic doctor of Healing Journey Naturopathic Clinic in Caledonia. February is National Heart Awareness month. Dr. Maxim spelled out risk factors associated with heart disease and offered tips to a healthier lifestyle.

Not all Supplements are Created Equal

It is not hard for companies to make a nutritional supplement and many are doing so with the bottom line in mind. Be weary of the form the supplement comes in as many are in a form that cannot break down or the amount on the label doesn’t correspond with what our body actually absorbs.

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